📄️ How D7Security Works
📄️ User Guide
This page describes how you as a Drupal 7 site administrator can get update notifications from the D7Security group.
📄️ D7Security update status module
d7securityclient is the name of the update status module from the D7Security group. Please install it on your Drupal 7 sites by following our user guide.
📄️ Mission, Values and Philosophy
The mission of the D7Security group is to provide extended support for selected Drupal 7 modules and themes. This is an unofficial effort independent from drupal.org. We are working on Drupal 7 Long Term Support (LTS) to continue security and maintenance updates for selected Drupal 7 contributed projects now that Drupal 7 has reached end of life (EOL) on Drupal.org.
📄️ D7Security members and joining
Current security release members
📄️ Options for Drupal 7 site owners
- Migrate to Drupal 11